Moving Mountains
Moving Mountains is a book by Götz Bechtolsheimer (The Tschuggen Collection) with photos by renowned photographer and alpinist Robert Bösch. It celebrates mountains across Engadin, Ticino and Arosa, three regions in which the Tschuggen hotels nestle.
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Our design takes careful cues from this photography and environment from the outset. The hardback cover immerses readers in a full display of imagery, subtly echoing its forms through diagonal, blind embossed titling. Inside, pared-back typography continues to suggest topography and draws colour from adjacent photographic scenes. This colour also helps distinguish the dual language German and English texts.

We structure the book without interrupting the natural flow of photography, interleaving its three locations with smaller inserts themed around Tschuggen's philosophies: move, play, nourish, rest and give. Each offers something very much inspired by the mountain landscape around: adventure trails, yoga moves, recipes, excerpts of literature (from Hesse to Hemingway to Schellenursli) and a conversation between Bechtolsheimer and Bösch. Each is also designed as its own 'book-in-book' experience with individual layout styles, illustrations and typefaces.

Print by Wolfau Druck
Binding by Bubu
Illustration by Joey Yu
Edited by Free:
Translation by Carolin Sommer