Untitled Practice
Untitled Practice bring together landscape and architecture design in their works, which are founded in empathic and enabling approaches to city, society and environment.
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We created a refreshed visual identity and website, combining the optimism of this practice with its fitting initials ‘UP’. Our concept celebrates upward movements and arrangements that step and stack this signature acronym alongside key declarations—this communicates elevating ideas, growing from firm beliefs.

The Venus type family offers ‘high-waisted’ capitals that echo this verticality and trigger layout behaviours that move content upwards through pages and spaces. Colours spring from a seasonal span of floral hues, including (among others) Spindle, Sea Pink, Yarrow and Beech. The website shifts and blends its colours in step with this palette and the passing seasons.

Website built by MB/MH
Venus by Linotype
“We immediately got a clear sense of what this practice stands for and cares about. The branding is distinctive and full of personality and conveys a real sense of optimism that we felt would give potential clients confidence that they’re a practice with lots of new ideas and would be fun to work with”
Archiboo Awards 2024